Know key points for LGBT+ journalism so that you can narrate this type of topic without affecting any human right and reflect with them current social news of interest to the community; which, among other things, is part of inclusion and the stop that must be given to gender discrimination; Do not miss it.
Keys to LGBT+ journalism
LGBT+ journalism is a form of social communication within which news, events and reflections on sexual and gender diversity are offered; focused on human rights.
In other words, it is about publicizing relevant aspects of the movement for a free sexual orientation or LGBT; who has been fighting for many years to demonstrate that they have the right to be treated without discrimination despite the fact that their sexual orientation is different from heterosexual.
As we all know, within the framework of sexual diversity, a series of conflicts have arisen, with greater repercussions in some countries than in others; It is even necessary to create legislative changes to prevent discrimination from degenerating into an increase in cases of violence.
In fact, many analysts consider that, for example, Latin America is a rather hostile place for all those people who are part of the LGBT+ and this is because journalism has played an important role in this regard.
The greater the visibility of people who are part of the LGBT+ movement, the greater their risk has been within Latin America, a fairly diverse region; where many realities are seen in an erroneous and prejudiced way.
To do LGBT+ journalism in a transparent and effective way, you must follow the following keys; take note:
• Previously knows all the context that surrounds the subject; both from a human, legislative and social perspective. Some countries already have laws through which gender identity is protected, as is the case of Argentina, and without a doubt many others will join this initiative.
• You have made the LGBT+ agenda visible by recognizing their rights and leading journalistic campaigns against discrimination; helping as far as possible that any person choose their sexual inclination freely, moving from invisibility to visibility; that is, come out of the closet.
• Through LGBT+ journalism, create reports in which you point out errors and bad practices, such as publicizing people who are part of this movement, being represented as wasters of money, consumers who like to travel and more; instead of showing their high human value.
• Expands the concept of what it means to be LGBT+, a group that includes not only upper and middle class people; but also humble; Well, there are no differences when talking about feelings or ways of thinking and loving.
• Guarantee that LGBT+ people enjoy recognition and can be part of any company; since their sexual gender will not be recognized, but their abilities and skills to carry out the work that is assigned to them.
• Direct your reports towards topics in which the LGBT+ movement is freely addressed, to lose fear of it and make room for asking all pertinent questions; thereby achieving wide coverage.
• Publicize the fact that everyone within the LGBT+ movement is different; whether it is a peasant, a trans person or an Afro-descendant. Your gender biases are personal, and similarly, your situation when dealing with the decisions you will need to make in order to get ahead in your life.
Today in Latin America, dynamic epicenters of support for the rights of LGBT+ people are being developed and therefore it is vital to adopt journalism in accordance with this theme.
What in general lines translates into publicizing and defending the right to gender diversity and accepting that all human beings can freely choose what they want to be; without this affecting those around them.